Saturday, July 25, 2009

Leif Olson makes amazing hole-in-one

If you're were alive in the 80's, you remember the Converse commercials with Larry Bird and Magic Johnson battling it out in a game of H-O-R-S-E.

A la Magic and Bird, Leif Olson pulled off his own off-the-wall-over-the-highway-through-the-window type shot on the 15th hole on a day that Mark Calcavecchia set a PGA Tour record with nine consecutive birdies at the Canadian Open.

If you didn't see his shot (off of another golfer's ball) at the 2009 RBC Canadian Open, here it is:

In addition to Olson, three other golfers (Casey Wittenberg, Arjun Atwal and Briny Baird) aced the 15th hole. In fact, there were a total of six holes-in-one counting those by Peter Leonard (12th hole) and Joe Durant (7th hole) in the opening round.

All four players who made a hole-in-one on the 15th won a BMW Z-4.

Calcavecchia's record-setting birdie streak broke the record (eight) originally set by Bob Goalby in 1961. Five other players have made eight consecutive birdies since Goalby including J.P. Hayes, who was in Calcavecchia's group today, in 2002.

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